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about me
Queela the blogger of QueDaVeggie

Welcome to QueDaVeggie.

My passion for food has inspired me to journey once again into a life of blogging. I love food and  I love to eat. With my love for cooking and my fondness for photography, I decided to take a jab at starting a blog dedicated to food and lifestyle. From an early age, I aspired to be a chef.  As a kid, I remember watching chefs like Julia Child and Martha Stewart prepare mouthwatering dishes that you could almost smell through the television set. I wanted to be like these chefs and I often dreamed of having a cooking show  teaching live audiences how to create masterpieces. Nowadays, you’ll find me in somebody’s kitchen rummaging through spice racks and cabinets trying to stir up some drama in a pot or two.


My fascination with culinary photography came from my very own experiences in experimenting with different foods. Call me picky, but I have always thought that the prettier a dish looked, the better it tasted. In most cases, people value the visual presentation of a dish just as much as the actual flavor. More appealing foods will grab your attention even if it’s just a sample size. I’ve always been a stickler for wanting to capture the best details and qualities in foods through my photos. QueDaVeggie will mainly highlight my portfolio of meals that I (and friends) have prepared or have ordered at local, national, and international establishments. The blog will also include recipes and lifestyle posts.


The initial transition to a more plant based diet was surprisingly easy and I encourage everyone that I know to at least try it. I call myself a "seasonal" vegetarian because I often go through seasons and phases within the year where I solely eat a plant based diet. During other periods, I incorporate seafood in my diet. I typically desire eating more fruits and veggies in the warmer months. This may be heavily attributed to the variations of foods that are more vastly available during the Spring and Summer months. I was a strict vegetarian for five years before making the switch to pescatarianism. This switch was mainly due to a transition in my lifestyle of healthier eating and wellness.


I hope that you enjoy my photos, recipes, memories, and experiences.


                        I live to eat, not just to live ♥



                  food blog | culinary | photography | recipes|


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